SoundRota 9.2 is a tool which helps to create a simple report for the various assignments at the Kingdom Hall. It includes Brother that could be customized according to specifications. The various purposes for the use are Sound Console, platform/stage, platform microphone, microphone handlers and attendants. It is fully customizable as the user can add their own assignments and make schedules. The schedules can be populated automatically. It also includes a comprehensive Service Meeting Schedule editor. The Congregation Bible Study meeting can be effortlessly catered for, and included on the schedule. It has an associated Announcement Sheet editor. The Soundrota Microsoft add-on feature creates a new toolbar inside Microsoft Outlook and lets the user import saved Sound Rota Schedules into the calendar. The user could then use relevant software to synchronize this information to the handheld device. It has other features like personalized schedules for each person amongt other things. The software helps the user to create various schedules and assignments for specific tasks they want to perform. They can use this software to categorize their schedules and set an appropriate timing. It is easy to use and fully customizable.